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January 2018


The "Minnesota Wildflowers" website and its' creators, Katy Chayka and Peter Dziuk

This event has ended
Tuesday, January 16th, 2018
to (Central Time)

Katy Chayka and Peter Dziuk, creators of Minnesota Wildflowers, an online photographic field guide to over 1,400 plant species found in our landscapes, will share wonderful plant photos, discuss how to make the best use of their website, and reflect on some of the challenges and rewards they've experienced as long-time MN native plant enthusiasts.

                  One of Peter's garden photos.

Katy is a Minnesota Master Naturalist and native plant enthusiast. She describes herself as a self-taught botanist who learned a great deal about invasive species along the way.

Peter is a noted imaginographer, long-time native plant advocate, and lifetime gardener. Through his work with MN Department of Agriculture, Peter began taking digital images of native plants and common weeds. Join us to hear more of the Minnesota Wildflower website story.

SUGGESTION: Before joining us, Katy and Peter invite you to preview their website, and especially to try out the advanced plant search, their most powerful website tool. Katy will offer tips on using this during her presentation.